Termini e condizioni

In seguito lo indicheremo:

  • "Sito": il sito Mybatana e tutte le sue pagine.
  • "Prodotti" o "Servizi": tutti i prodotti (materiali) e i servizi (prestazioni) che possono essere acquistati o ai quali è possibile abbonarsi sul Sito.
  • "Venditore": Mybatana, persona giuridica o fisica, che offre i propri Prodotti o Servizi sul Sito.
  • "Cliente": l'utente Internet, singolo o professionista, che effettua un acquisto di Prodotti o Servizi sul Sito.
  • "Consumatore", secondo la definizione dell'articolo preliminare del Codice del Consumo: "qualsiasi persona fisica che agisca per scopi che non rientrano nell'ambito della sua attività commerciale, industriale, artigianale o liberale".

L'utente Internet che visita il Sito ed è interessato ai Prodotti e Servizi offerti dal Venditore è invitato a leggere attentamente le presenti Condizioni Generali, a stamparle e/o a salvarle su un supporto durevole, prima di effettuare un ordine sul Sito.

Il Cliente riconosce di aver preso visione delle Condizioni Generali e le accetta integralmente e senza riserve.

Articolo 1 - Applicazione delle Condizioni Generali e finalità del Sito

Il Venditore si riserva il diritto di modificare in qualsiasi momento le Condizioni Generali pubblicandone una nuova versione sul Sito. Le Condizioni Generali applicabili al Cliente sono quelle in vigore il giorno dell'ordine sul Sito..

Le informazioni legali riguardanti l'host e l'editore del Sito, la raccolta e il trattamento dei dati personali e le condizioni di utilizzo del Sito sono fornite nelle condizioni generali di utilizzo, nelle note legali e nella carta dei dati di questo Sito.

Il Sito è liberamente accessibile a tutti i Clienti. L'acquisto di un Prodotto o di un Servizio implica l'accettazione da parte del Cliente di tutte le presenti Condizioni Generali, che al contempo riconosce di averle lette integralmente. Tale accettazione può consistere, ad esempio, per il Cliente, nello spuntare la casella corrispondente alla frase di accettazione delle presenti Condizioni Generali, recante ad esempio la dicitura "Dichiaro di aver letto e accettato tutte le condizioni generali del Sito". La selezione di questa casella avrà lo stesso valore di una firma autografa del Cliente.

L'accettazione delle presenti Condizioni Generali presuppone da parte dei Clienti il possesso della capacità giuridica necessaria a tal fine. Se il Cliente è minorenne o non ha questa capacità giuridica, dichiara di avere l'autorizzazione di un tutore, di un curatore o del suo rappresentante legale.

Il Cliente riconosce il valore probatorio dei sistemi di registrazione automatica del Venditore e, salvo prova contraria, rinuncia a contestarli in caso di controversia.

L'Editore mette a disposizione del Cliente, sul proprio Sito, una carta di riservatezza che specifica tutte le informazioni relative all'utilizzo dei dati personali del Cliente raccolti dall'Editore e i diritti di cui il Cliente dispone per accedere a tali dati personali. La carta di riservatezza dei dati fa parte dei Termini e condizioni generali. L'accettazione delle presenti Condizioni generali implica pertanto l'accettazione della politica di riservatezza dei dati.

Articolo 2 - Creazione di un conto cliente

La creazione di un "conto cliente" è un prerequisito essenziale per qualsiasi ordine da parte del Cliente su questo Sito. A tal fine, al Cliente verrà richiesto di fornire un certo numero di informazioni personali, quali il suo nome e cognome, il suo indirizzo e-mail, il suo indirizzo postale e il suo numero di telefono, elenco non esaustivo. Il Cliente si impegna pertanto a fornire informazioni accurate. Il Cliente è responsabile dell'aggiornamento dei propri dati. Egli deve pertanto informare tempestivamente il Venditore in caso di modifica. Il Cliente è l'unico responsabile della veridicità, dell'accuratezza e della pertinenza dei dati forniti.

Il Cliente registrato sul Sito ha la possibilità di accedervi collegandosi tramite i propri identificativi (indirizzo e-mail definito in fase di registrazione e password) o eventualmente utilizzando sistemi come i pulsanti di connessione di terze parti dei social network. Il Cliente è interamente responsabile della protezione della password che ha scelto. Si consiglia di utilizzare password complesse. Se il Cliente dimentica la propria password, può generarne una nuova. Tale password costituisce la garanzia della riservatezza delle informazioni contenute nella sezione "il mio account" e al Cliente è pertanto vietato trasmetterla o comunicarla a terzi. In caso contrario, il Venditore non potrà essere ritenuto responsabile di un accesso non autorizzato all'account del Cliente.

L'account cliente consente al Cliente di visualizzare tutti gli ordini effettuati sul Sito. Se i dati contenuti nella sezione conto cliente dovessero scomparire a seguito di un guasto tecnico o di un caso di forza maggiore, la responsabilità del Venditore non potrebbe essere impegnata, non avendo tali informazioni valore probatorio ma solo informativo. Le pagine relative all'account cliente sono liberamente stampabili dal Cliente titolare dell'account in questione ma non costituiscono prova, hanno solo carattere informativo volto a garantire una gestione efficiente dei propri ordini o contributi da parte del Cliente.

Ogni Cliente è libero di chiudere il proprio account sul Sito. A tal fine, deve inviare un'e-mail al Venditore indicando che desidera cancellare il proprio account. In tal caso non sarà possibile recuperare i suoi dati.

Il Venditore si riserva il diritto esclusivo di cancellare l'account di qualsiasi Cliente che abbia violato le presenti Condizioni Generali (in particolare, e senza che tale esempio abbia carattere esaustivo, quando il Cliente abbia consapevolmente fornito informazioni non corrette, durante la sua registrazione e la creazione del suo spazio personale) o qualsiasi account che sia rimasto inattivo per almeno un anno. Tale cancellazione non potrà costituire un danno per il Cliente, che non potrà richiedere alcun risarcimento. Questa esclusione non esclude la possibilità, per il Venditore, di intraprendere azioni legali contro il Cliente, quando i fatti lo giustifichino.

Articolo 3 - Modalità di sottoscrizione degli ordini e descrizione del processo di acquisto

I Prodotti e i Servizi offerti sono quelli che compaiono nel catalogo pubblicato sul Sito. Questi Prodotti e Servizi sono offerti fino ad esaurimento scorte. Ogni Prodotto è accompagnato da una descrizione stabilita dal Venditore sulla base delle descrizioni fornite dal fornitore.

Le fotografie dei Prodotti presenti nel catalogo riflettono un'immagine fedele dei Prodotti e dei Servizi offerti, ma non costituiscono un impegno contrattuale nella misura in cui non possono garantire una perfetta somiglianza con i Prodotti fisici.

Soddisfatti o rimborsati: Avete una garanzia di 30 giorni dal ricevimento del pacco per restituircelo. Contattateci e avvieremo la procedura di restituzione per voi.

Di seguito definiremo "Carrello" l'oggetto immateriale che raggruppa tutti i Prodotti o Servizi selezionati dal Cliente del Sito ai fini di un acquisto, avendo cliccato su tali articoli. Per effettuare l'ordine, il Cliente sceglie il/i Prodotto/i che desidera ordinare aggiungendolo/i al proprio "Carrello", il cui contenuto può essere modificato in qualsiasi momento.

Non appena il Cliente ritiene di aver selezionato e aggiunto al suo carrello tutti i Prodotti che desidera acquistare, avrà la possibilità, per convalidare il suo ordine, di accedere al suo carrello cliccando sull'apposito pulsante. . Verrà quindi reindirizzato a una pagina di riepilogo in cui sarà informato del numero e delle caratteristiche dei Prodotti ordinati, nonché del loro prezzo unitario.

Se desidera convalidare l'ordine, il Cliente deve selezionare la casella relativa alla ratifica delle presenti Condizioni generali e cliccare sul pulsante di convalida. Il Cliente verrà quindi reindirizzato a una pagina in cui dovrà completare i campi del modulo d'ordine. In quest'ultimo caso, dovrà fornire un certo numero di dati personali che lo riguardano, necessari per il corretto completamento dell'ordine.

Tutti gli ordini effettuati sul Sito devono essere debitamente compilati e devono specificare le informazioni necessarie. Il Cliente può apportare modifiche, correzioni, aggiunte o annullare l'ordine fino alla sua convalida.

Non appena il Cliente avrà completato il modulo, sarà invitato a effettuare il pagamento utilizzando le modalità di pagamento elencate nella sezione delle presenti Condizioni Generali relativa ai pagamenti. Dopo pochi istanti, il Cliente riceverà un'e-mail di conferma dell'ordine, che gli ricorderà il contenuto dell'ordine e il prezzo.

I Prodotti venduti restano di proprietà del Venditore fino al completo pagamento del loro prezzo, in conformità alla presente clausola di riserva di proprietà.

Articolo 4 - Prezzo e termini di pagamento

Salvo diversa indicazione, i prezzi che compaiono nel catalogo sono prezzi intesi in euro, tasse incluse (TTC), tenendo conto dell'IVA applicabile il giorno dell'ordine ed escludendo qualsiasi contributo alle spese di elaborazione e spedizione.

Mybatana si riserva il diritto di modificare in qualsiasi momento i propri prezzi e di trasferire, se del caso, qualsiasi variazione dell'aliquota IVA in vigore sul prezzo dei Prodotti o dei Servizi offerti sul Sito. Tuttavia, il prezzo che appare nel catalogo il giorno dell'ordine sarà l'unico applicabile al Cliente.

Il Cliente può effettuare un ordine su questo Sito e può pagare con carta di credito. I pagamenti con carta di credito vengono effettuati utilizzando transazioni sicure fornite da un fornitore di piattaforme di pagamento online.

Il Sito non ha accesso ai dati relativi ai mezzi di pagamento del Cliente. Il pagamento viene effettuato direttamente nelle mani della banca o del prestatore di servizi di pagamento che riceve il pagamento dal Cliente. In caso di pagamento tramite assegno o bonifico bancario, i tempi di consegna definiti nell'articolo "Consegne" delle presenti Condizioni Generali decorrono solo dalla data di effettiva ricezione del pagamento da parte del Venditore, potendo quest'ultimo fornirne prova con qualsiasi mezzo. La disponibilità dei Prodotti è indicata sul Sito, nella scheda descrittiva di ciascun Prodotto.

Mybatana archivierà gli ordini di acquisto e le fatture su un supporto affidabile e durevole che ne costituisca una copia fedele. Le registrazioni informatiche saranno considerate dalle parti come prova delle comunicazioni, degli ordini, dei pagamenti e delle transazioni tra le parti.

Article 5 – Deliveries

Delivery costs will be indicated to the Customer before any payment. The Site has no geographical delivery limitation, orders can be shipped anywhere in the world.

In the event of delivery of a Product from the European Union and in the French Overseas Territories, the Customer declares itself the importer of the Product and accepts that in such a case the Seller may be physically unable to communicate exact information on the total amount of costs relating to customs duties and formalities or import taxes applicable in the country where delivery of the Product is requested

The customer agrees to cover customs fees.

You are responsible for entering the delivery address correctly; Mybatana is not responsible for packages that have been delivered to an incorrect address (that was given to Mybatana prior to shipping). In cases where Mybatana requires additional information regarding a shipping address, you may be asked by Mybatana to provide additional information. A delivery delay may occur if additional delivery address information is required.

The Customer may refuse a package at the time of delivery if he notices an anomaly concerning the delivery (damage, Product missing from the delivery note, damaged package, broken Products, etc.); any anomaly must then be indicated by the Customer on the delivery note, in the form of handwritten reservations, accompanied by the Customer’s signature. To exercise his right of refusal, the Customer must open the damaged or defective package(s) in the presence of the carrier and have him take back the damaged goods. Failing to comply with these requirements, the Customer will not be able to exercise his right of refusal, and the Seller will not be required to comply with the Customer’s request to exercise his right of refusal.

If the Customer’s package is returned to the Seller by post or by other postal service providers, the Seller will contact the Customer upon receipt of the returned package to ask them what action to take on their order. If the Customer has mistakenly refused the package, he or she may request its return by first paying the postal costs for the new shipment. Postal costs must be paid even for orders for which shipping costs were free when ordering.

In the event of a delivery or exchange error (if the right of withdrawal is applicable, that is to say if the Customer is a Consumer and the contract concluded to acquire the Product or Service allows withdrawal, according to Article L.221-18 et seq. of the Consumer Code), any product to be exchanged or refunded must be returned to the Seller in its entirety and in perfect condition. Any defect resulting from clumsiness or a false maneuver by the Customer cannot be attributed to the Seller.

Any delay in delivery compared to the date or deadline indicated to the Consumer Customer when ordering or, in the absence of indication of date or deadline when ordering, greater than thirty (30) days from from the conclusion of the contract may result in the termination of the sale at the initiative of the Consumer Customer, upon written request from him by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, if after having ordered the Seller to make delivery he does not is not executed. The Consumer Customer will then be reimbursed, at the latest within fourteen (14) days following the date on which the contract was terminated, of the totality of the sums paid. This clause is not intended to apply if the delivery delay is due to a case of force majeure.

Article 6 – Right of withdrawal and withdrawal form

In accordance with article L.221-18 of the Consumer Code, and if the right of withdrawal is applicable, the Consumer Customer has a period of fourteen (14) working days from the date of receipt of the Product of his order or of the conclusion of the contract for the provision of services, to withdraw. He will be required to return any Product that does not suit him and request an exchange or refund without penalty, with the exception of return costs, within fourteen days from receipt by Mybatana of the refund request. /p>

The Product must be returned in perfect condition. If applicable, it must be accompanied by all its accessories. The Consumer Customer can find below a standard withdrawal form for an order placed on the Site, to be sent to Mybatanaf. Return costs vary depending on the item, from five to sixty euros for a return to our non-European warehouse. It is understood that the Customer will bear the costs of returning the Product in the event of withdrawal, as well as the cost of returning the Product if it, due to its nature, cannot normally be returned by post.

If you exercise your right of withdrawal, we will immediately send you an acknowledgment of receipt of your corresponding declaration (e.g. by email). To comply with the withdrawal period:
(i) you must send us your declaration of withdrawal before the expiry of the said period;
(ii) the products must not have been used, opened or damaged;
(iii) the products must be returned intact and unused in their original packaging. If applicable, the packaging must retain the original seal.

Any product damaged, incomplete, missing or whose original packaging has been damaged, or without, will not be refunded or exchanged and will be returned to the customer, at the latter’s expense.

6.1 Exception to the application of the right of withdrawal In accordance with article L. 221-28 paragraph 5 of the Consumer Code, the legal right of withdrawal is excluded in the case of sealed items which have been opened after their delivery and which cannot be returned for health or hygiene reasons.

If the previous obligations are not fulfilled, the Customer will lose his right of withdrawal and the Product will be returned to him at his expense.

It is recommended that the Customer make the return using a solution allowing tracking of the package. Otherwise, if the returned package does not reach the Seller, it will not be possible to launch an investigation with the postal services in order to ask them to locate the latter.

The reimbursement will be made using the same means of payment as that chosen by the Customer for the initial transaction, unless the Customer expressly agrees that the Seller uses another payment method, and to the extent that the reimbursement does not does not incur costs for the Customer.

The Seller also reserves the right to defer reimbursement until receipt of the Product or as long as the Customer has not demonstrated that he has shipped the Product, if such demonstration has not been took place previously.

In the event of depreciation of the Products resulting from manipulations other than those necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and proper functioning of the Product(s), the Customer may be held liable.

In accordance with article L221-5 of the Consumer Code, (“”Hamon law””) of June 2014, the Consumer Customer can find below a standard withdrawal form for an order placed on the site:

Withdrawal form

(Please complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract.)

Attn: Mybatana: contact@Mybatana

I/we (*) hereby notify you of my/our (*) withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the goods (*)/for the provision of services (*) below:

Ordered on (*)/received on (*):

Name of Customer(s):

Address of the Customer(s):

Signature of the Client(s) (only in the event of notification of this form on paper):


(*) Delete as applicable.

Article 7 – Product Warranty

Legal provisions to be reproduced

When acting under a legal guarantee of conformity, the consumer has a period of two years from delivery of the goods to act; he can choose between repairing or replacing the good, subject to the cost conditions provided for by article L.217-9 of the Consumer Code; except for second-hand goods, it is exempt from proving the existence of the lack of conformity of the goods during the six months following delivery of the goods, period extended to 24 months from March 18, 2016.

The legal guarantee of conformity applies independently of any commercial guarantee granted.

The consumer may decide to implement the guarantee against hidden defects in the thing sold within the meaning of article 1641 of the Civil Code, unless the seller has stipulated that he will not be obliged no guarantee; in the event of implementation of this guarantee, the buyer has the choice between canceling the sale or reducing the sale price in accordance with article 1644 of the Civil Code. He has a period of two years from the discovery of the defect.

The postponement, suspension or interruption of the prescription cannot have the effect of extending the extinctive prescription period beyond twenty years from the day on which the right arose in accordance with article 2232 of the Civil Code.

All items acquired on this site benefit from the following legal guarantees, provided for by the Civil Code;

Legal guarantee of conformity

According to articles L.217-4 et seq. of the Consumer Code, the Seller is required to deliver goods that comply with the contract concluded with the Consumer Customer and to respond to any lack of conformity existing during delivery of the Product. The guarantee of conformity may be exercised if a defect should exist on the day of taking possession of the Product. However, when the defect appeared within 24 months following this date (or within 6 months if the order took place before March 18, 2016 or the Product is sold second-hand), it is presumed to meet this condition. But, in accordance with article L.217-7 of the Consumer Code, “the Seller may combat this presumption if it is not compatible with the nature of the [Product] or the lack of conformity invoked ".

On the other hand, after this period of 24 months (or 6 months if the order took place before March 18, 2016 or the product is sold second-hand), it will be up to the Customer to prove that the defect actually existed. at the time of taking possession of the Product.

In accordance with article L.217-9 of the Consumer Code: “in the event of a lack of conformity, the buyer chooses between repair and replacement of the goods. However, the seller may not proceed according to the buyer’s choice if this choice results in a cost that is manifestly disproportionate with regard to the other method, taking into account the value of the goods or the importance of the defect. He is then required to proceed, unless impossible, according to the method not chosen by the buyer.

Legal guarantee against hidden defects

According to articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code, the Customer may request the exercise of the guarantee of hidden defects if the defects presented did not appear at the time of purchase, were prior to the purchase (and therefore not not result from normal wear and tear of the Product for example), and are sufficiently serious (the defect must either make the Product unfit for the use for which it is intended, or reduce this use to an extent such that the buyer would not have not purchased the Product or would not have purchased it at such a price if he had known of the defect).

Complaints, requests for exchange or reimbursement for a non-compliant Product must be made by post or by email to the addresses indicated in the legal notices of the site.

In the event of non-compliance of a delivered Product, it may be returned to the Seller who will exchange it. If it is impossible to exchange the Product (obsolete Product, out of stock, etc.) the Customer will be reimbursed by check or transfer for the amount of their order. The costs of the exchange or refund procedure (in particular the return shipping costs of the Product) are then the responsibility of the Seller.

Article 8 – Customer Service

Customer service for this Site is accessible by email at the following address: [email protected] or by post to the address indicated in the legal notices.

Article 9 – Liability

The Seller Mybatana cannot be held responsible for non-performance of the contract concluded due to the occurrence of a force majeure event. Concerning the Products purchased, the Seller will not incur any liability for any indirect damage as a result of this, operating loss, loss of profit, damage or costs, which may arise.

The choice and purchase of a Product or Service are the sole responsibility of the Customer. The total or partial impossibility of using the Products, in particular due to incompatibility of the equipment, cannot give rise to any compensation, reimbursement or questioning of the Seller’s liability, except in the case of a proven hidden defect, non-conformity, defect or exercise of the right of withdrawal if applicable, that is to say if the Customer is not a Consumer Customer and the contract concluded to acquire the Product or Service allows withdrawal, according to the article L 221-18 et seq. of the Consumer Code.

The Customer expressly acknowledges using the Site at his own risk and under his exclusive responsibility. The Site provides the Customer with information for information purposes only, with imperfections, errors, omissions, inaccuracies and other ambivalences that may exist. In any event, Mybatana cannot be held responsible under any circumstances:

    • any direct or indirect damage, in particular with regard to loss of profits, loss of earnings, loss of customers, loss of data which may, among other things, result from the use of the Site, or on the contrary from the impossibility of its use;
    • a malfunction, unavailability of access, misuse, poor configuration of the Client’s computer, or even the use of a browser little used by the Client;
    • the content of advertisements and other links or external sources accessible by Customers from the Site.

The photographs and visuals of the Products presented on the Site have no contractual nature, the Seller cannot therefore be held liable if the characteristics of the Products differ from the visuals present on the Site or if the latter are erroneous or incomplete.

It may occasionally happen that information, inaccuracies or omissions concerning the description, prices, promotions, offers, shipping costs, delivery times and availability of products appear on our site or in the service. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, and to change or update information or cancel orders if any information in the Service or on any related website is inaccurate at any time without notice (including after you have submitted your order). The delivery page is a continuation of these general conditions of sale. Please view it here.

We undertake no obligation to update, amend or clarify information in the Service or on any related website, including without limitation, pricing information, except as required by law. No specified update or refresh date applied in the Service or on any related website, should be taken to indicate that all information in the Service or on any related website has been modified or updated.

Article 10 – Intellectual property rights

All elements of this Site belong to the Seller or a third party agent, or are used by the Seller with the authorization of their owners.

Any reproduction, representation, adaptation of logos, textual, pictographic or video content, without this list being exhaustive, is strictly prohibited and amounts to counterfeiting.

Any Customer who is guilty of counterfeiting would be likely to have his account deleted without notice or compensation and without this deletion constituting him any damage, without reservation of possible subsequent legal proceedings against him, at the initiative of the Seller or his agent.

The brands and logos contained in the Site may be registered by Mybatana, or possibly by one of its partners. Any person carrying out their representations, reproductions, nestings, disseminations and rebroadcasts incurs the sanctions provided for in articles L.713-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

Article 11 – Independence of clauses

If any provision of the T&Cs is found to be unlawful, void or for any other reason unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed severable from the T&Cs and will not affect the validity and applicability of the remaining provisions.

These T&Cs replace all prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements. The General Terms and Conditions are not assignable, transferable or sublicensable by the Customer himself.

A printed version of the T&Cs and any notices given in electronic form may be requested in legal or administrative proceedings relating to the T&Cs. The parties agree that all correspondence relating to these General Terms and Conditions must be drawn up in the French language.

Article 12 – Applicable law and mediation

These General Conditions of Sale are governed by and subject to French law.

Except for public order provisions, any disputes which may arise in the context of the execution of these General Terms and Conditions may, before any legal action, be submitted to the discretion of the Site Editor with a view to an amicable settlement.

It is expressly recalled that requests for amicable settlement do not suspend the time limits for taking legal action. Unless otherwise provided by public policy, any legal action relating to the execution of these General Terms and Conditions must be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the defendant’s place of residence.

Consumption mediation

According to article L.612-1 of the Consumer Code, it is recalled that “”any consumer has the right to use a consumption mediator for free for the amicable resolution of the dispute between him a professional. To this end, the professional guarantees the consumer the effective use of a mediation system for consumption “”.

In this title Mybatana offers its consumer customers, in the context of disputes that have not found resolution amicably, the mediation of a consumption mediator, whose contact details are as follows:

Devigny Mediation
9 avenue René Gasnier D01
49100 – Angers



Article 13 – Exclusion of guarantees; Limitation of liability

We do not guarantee, do not represent and guarantee that the use of our service will not be uninterrupted, fast, secure or error. We do not guarantee that the results that can be obtained from the use of the service will be accurate or reliable. You accept that from time to time, we can delete the service for an indefinite period or cancel the service at any time, without notice. You expressly accept that your use or inability to use the service is at your own risk. The service and all the products and services delivered to you through the service are (unless expressly indicated on our part) provided “”as it is”” and “”to the extent of their availability””, without any representation, guarantee or condition of any kind whatsoever, express or implicit, including all implicit guarantees or conditions of market quality, merchant quality, adequacy to particular use, sustainability, title and absence of counterfeiting. (However, your product will be guaranteed 1 year in accordance with the law in force)

Mybatana, our administrators, managers, employees, subsidiaries, agents, subcontractors, trainees, suppliers, service providers or license conceders cannot be held responsible for damage, losses, complaints, or direct consequences, Indirect, accessories, punitive, special or indirect. Indirect damage of all kinds, including, without limitation, loss of profits, income loss, savings made, data loss, replacement costs or any other similar damage, whether based on a contract , in tort liability (including negligence), to flawless responsibility, resulting in the use of a service or products purchased using the service, or for any other complaint linked in any way whatsoever to your Use of the service or any product, including, in particular, any error or omission in any content, or any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from the use of the service or any published content (or product), transmitted or otherwise made available via the service, even if it is notified.
Since certain states or jurisdictions do not authorize the exclusion or limitation of liability for indirect or accessory damage, in these States or jurisdictions, our responsibility is limited within the maximum limits authorized by law.

Article 14 – contact details

The site is published by Mybatana, limited liability company with the share capital of 2500 euros, registered with the RCS of Tartu under number 16152290, intra-community VAT number: EE102337147, whose head office is located in Endla 77- 6, Tallinn, Estonia.

Any question about the conditions of use must be sent to us at [email protected]



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